Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum )flower Plant Care

Lisianthus is currently an alternative flower to roses. From a distance it may look like a rose, while the stems with straight leaves look more like tulips from a distance. Lisianthus is the name of flowers that look as charming as roses.

Lisianthus is an alternative to roses, but transplants require complete maintenance Simple to Grow and Maintain The Lisianthus Flower Plant is entirely unique. Lisianthus is a very happy plant, but the flowers of this plant are very durable, so the price of flowers is sky high.

Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) flower Plant Care

From this post you can know about Easy to Grow and Care Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Flower Plant. Lisianthus is scientifically known as Eustoma russellianum, and lisianthus is also known as bluebell gentian or prairie gentian . It is a herbaceous, evergreen, Perennial or Annual plant of the Gentianaceae family.

Lisianthus flowers of different colors are seen, such as lisianthus white flower, that flowers are very eye-catching. This Lisianthus flower is known as Nandini in different parts of Asian continent. Since the durability of this flower is very high, the economic importance of the flower is also very high. The scientific name of this flower of genetinsia family is Eustoma grandiflorum (Eustoma grandiflorum).

Lisianthus are typically 12 to 24 inches (1 to 2 feet) tall and have flowers that are one to three inches in diameter that are closely arranged with many layers of velvety petals. However, unlike roses, purple and blue lisianthus are more popular. The leaves have a subtle silver-blue colour that is very attractive and very eye-catching. Since the durability of this flower is very high, the economic importance of the flower is also very high. The scientific name of this flower of the Genetinsia family is Eustoma grandiflorum.

Eustoma is believed to have originated in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. This flower also grows in the warmer regions of Mexico, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Although the origin of this flower is in the United States, research has been done in Japan. The popularity and commercial production of this flower are increasing day by day in different countries of the world, including India and other countries such as Europe, America, Australia, Thailand, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan.


Lisianthus is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Genetinaceae family. It is divided into roots and leaves, the leaves are bluish-green in color. The plant grows from 20 to 60 cm tall. Lisianthus blooms in about 45 colors, and the flowers stay fresh for 15 days after being picked from the tree. A plant bears multiple flowers—at least 80 to 120 flowers.

Pink Lisianthus Flower

Lisianthus flower plants are very tolerant, the plants with flowers remain intact in storms, rains, extreme heat, or other natural disasters. Each flower is on a strong stem and never droops. The flower can stay on the tree for up to fifteen days, and the price of this flower is very high. Currently, the market price of each Lisianthus flower is Tk 120–150; its price is 8–10 times higher than that of a rose or gerbera. These flowers can be kept fresh for up to 25 days by mixing a little sucrose with water in a vase.

Lisianthus Varieties:

For luxurious colour and durability, Lisianthus have been bred in a variety of colours and sizes.

  • ‘Eco Blue’ is a classic deep purple variety with double petal leaves that grow to about 24 inches tall.
  • ‘Blue Picoti’ has white petals with purple fringes, and plants grow to about 24 inches tall.
  • ‘Lisa Pink’ grows to about eight inches tall with single, deep blooms on compact plants.
  • ‘Balboa White’ is about 36 inches (3 feet) tall, bearing double white flowers.


Plants are propagated from seeds. The seeds of Lisianthus flowers are very small and require special methods for germination. Germination usually takes 10–12 days. But it takes 80-90 days to produce four pairs of leaves in the seedling. Germination of seeds is not possible unless there is a long period of time and technical skill involved in producing seedlings from seeds.

Seedling collection:

Lisianthus tree seedlings are available for purchase at local nurseries. But at the time of purchase, only clean, disease-free, perfect seedlings should be collected. But it is better not to collect this tree online.

Purple Lisianthus Flower
Purple Lisianthus Flower

Place Selection:

Lisianthus plant should select a high and sloping site, where water does not accumulate easily. A sunny place is also favourable for growing Lisianthus plant. During the summer and monsoon, however, the tree should be kept on the balcony. 

Soil Management:-

Growing this flower is best done in sandy-loamy, organic soil.Two parts garden soil (sand loam), one part cocopeat, and half vermicompost, or one year old cow dung or leaf rot.

Lighting Management:-

This plant likes bright sunlight, so the intense heat of the sun during the summer is dangerous for this Lisianthus plant. This flower starts blooming at the end of October. Therefore, it should be kept in a shady place in the summer and in bright sunlight in the winter.

Water Management:-

This plant likes moist, wet soil but does not like waterlogging at the base of the plant. So water should be given once a week in the winter. Then water again when the soil above the tub is one inch dry. And during the hot season, the soil of the tub should be checked by hand and watered at the base of the plant. Plants should be kept on the balcony during the rainy season and watered as needed.

Rainwater cannot be applied to this tree in any way. If it rains, the fungus will kill the tree. So the tree must be kept alive from rain water.


Food Management:-

No chemical fertilisers can be used within one month of planting the plants in tubs. A handful of organic fertiliser is good for plants in 8-inch tubs. Organic fertilisers include banana peels, egg shells, bone meal, horn meal, leaf dung, mustard cake, etc. For 8 inch tubs, mix (one year old dung manure, rotted leaves, or vermicompost, and take one spoon of bone powder, one spoon of horn meal, and one spoon of food, apply it at the root of the plant. You will use it every 30 to 40 days.

A high potassium feed should be applied before the plants flower. For eight and ten-inch tubs, one spoon of mustard cake and one spoon of potash should be mixed well in water and should be poured on the ground every twenty days. The soil in the tub should be soaked the day before applying the fertilizer.

Pest Control:

Fungus infestations are common issue in Lisianthus trees.Therefore, water should not be allowed to accumulate at the base of the plant, if it does, the fungus will rot the leaves. Therefore, best fungicides should be mixed well with one gramme in one litre of water and sprayed on the plant every seven days. And some fungicide should be sprinkled on the soil at intervals of 15 days.

Any pesticide containing dimethoate (30% composition) for leaf-eating insects should be sprayed at seven or ten day intervals by mixing thirty drops in one litre of water.

Also, continuous use of neem oil from the beginning does not cause any kind of insect attack.

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