Last updated on September 14th, 2024 at 07:37 pm
The most attractive summer flower is Ixora. Ixora comes in different colors like white, pink, yellow, red, orange, etc. Each branch has multiple flowers at the head and the flowers last a long time. Ixora grows to a height of 5–7 feet tall and belongs to the Rubiaceae family.
From this post today you can know about Easy to grow and care for Ixora plants. If you want to plant ixora flowers in pot, you need to follow this entire report. From this report you will know all the necessary information about the care of ixora flower plants in pots.
Easy to grow and care for Ixora plants
Ixora is a perennial, herbaceous plant with a strong stem. Its scientific name is Ixora coccinea, and it belongs to the Rubiaceae family, which is native to Brazil. There are many types of colorful plant species in the world. Ixora plants grow well in tropical and sub-tropical climates around the world.
Did you know that there are over 500 species of the Ixora plant, some of which are used in traditional medicine? Ixora is called “burning love” in English. These spectacular colorful flowers will brighten up the garden most of the year.
Ixora is a hardy plant, and flowers usually stay fresh for 20-25 days. A panicle contains 20 to 50 flowers, and the flowers are cylindrical. The flower has four petals, much like a star, but is a scentless flower. Ixora bears fruit on the tree. Butterflies are attracted to Ixora flowers because of their nectar.

This plant blooms almost all year round, but it blooms more from early summer to early winter and blooms less in other seasons. Flowers bloom in clusters at the tip of almost every branch. Clusters contain numerous bracts. This plant can be easily planted in a house balcony, pot or balcony, and if the plant is planted directly in the ground, the soil needs to be prepared first. But if the plant is transplanted into a tub, like all plants, the soil must be prepared to its liking; otherwise, the plant will stop growing. No more flowers.
Ixora does not require special care when directly in the ground but does require some care when in a tub. If it is in soil, it needs comparatively less water. Those who prefer rooftop gardens can keep two pots of colorful plants on the roof. It adds a lot to the beauty of the roof. It is best to prune ixora plants in early winter after flowering.
Pot selection: –
Ixora is a perennial and permanent plant, so it is better to choose a large potted tub. If the plant is initially transplanted into an 8-inch pot, it should be transferred to a 10-inch or 12-inch pot after one to one and a half years. But everyone to one and a half years, the roots of the tree have to be pruned, but if you want, you can also take a big pot. While choosing a tub, it is necessary to ensure that there are holes in the bottom and sides of the pot. Excess water may accumulate in the pot and crush the plant.
Varieties suitable for pots: –
Dwarf cultivars tend to grow less than red cultivars, so pink, orange or white dwarf cultivars are best for tub planting. A characteristic of these plants is that the plants are bushy but not very tall.
Ixera pavet: This variety is called torchwood plant; this plant is small in size and bears many flowers.
Ixasara javanica: This plant grows in Java and has broad glossy green leaves and coral-colored flowers.
Iclaera chinensis: This variety is commonly known as Chinese Ixaera and is a medium sized evergreen shrub like plant. Usually grows to about four feet in height.

Soil Preparation: –
Ixora tree grows in any soil. However, Ixora plants do best in loamy and sandy-loamy soils. If you want to grow ixora in tubs then the first thing you should do is 70% garden soil which basically means loamy soil, 30% vermicompost or one year old rotted dung manure or one year old rotted leaf compost. For 8- or 10-inch pots, half a teaspoon of phosphate, four teaspoons of bone meal, four teaspoons of horn meal, one teaspoon of neem cake should be mixed very well to prepare the soil.
Root trimming should be done while changing the soil of tub plants. And when the buds start to appear on the tree, water and fertilizer should be given regularly at the base of the tree.
Light: –
After transplanting, the tub should be kept in some shade for 4 to 5 days. After a week, the pot should be placed in a place that receives morning sun. As a tropical plant, the ixora flower likes sunlight. If planted outdoors, it should be planted in a location that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. This plant can tolerate very hot weather.
If the plant does not get enough sunlight, the flower size may be small. Likewise, too much sun heat can cause the flowers to drop off.
Balancing both direct sunlight and partial shade would require keeping the plant in a tub. If you want to place your ixora flower plant indoors on a balcony, you need one with lots of bright light.
Temperature for Ixora plants: –
The optimum temperature for the plant is 18 to 30 degrees Celsius. Ixora prefers hot weather, but even if the temperature drops, the plant is not harmed.
Try to keep it in some partial shade if it gets too hot.
Water: –
If the plant is in the ground, it needs very little water, but if it is in a tub, the water requirement is relatively high. Plants can be trampled if water accumulates in the tub, so the soil should be prepared in such a way that water does not stand on the soil for any time. However, this tree is likely to die if it gets too much rainwater. Spray the fungicide every 15 days during the rainy season, if possible, sprinkle some amount at the base of the tree.

Care and Fertilizer Application: –
As a fertilizer, organic fertilizers are ideal for Ixora plants, as they last for several days. Care should be taken while watering Ixora plants so that water does not accumulate at the base. The soil should be loosened once/twice a month. Branches should be pruned regularly during the winter season. A few months after transplanting, compost should be added to the tub as it will do two important things. It will help maintain normal soil pH and retain moisture in well-drained soil.
Using organic fertilizers increases the number of flowers in plants, prevents bud drop, leaves turn yellow due to lack of magnesium. For plants in 10-to-12-inch tubs, two handfuls of organic fertilizer should be mixed with bone powder, horn shavings, leaf dung, mustard shell and feed etc. every two months. Click on the link given below to know the details of a required component for the recipe tree.
When planting Ixora flowers, plant in acidic, well-drained soil. Because alkaline soil is not suitable for planting Ixora flowers. Using acid-forming fertilizers can prevent alkalinity in well-drained soils.
[Read More: 15 Best Flower Blooms in Winter – Winter Flowers]
Trim the branches: –
Agar branches should be pruned after each branch finishes flowering to produce more new flowers. Also, after all the flowers are gone or the plant gets too big, the plant looks untidy in the tub, so the plant should be trimmed back a few inches.
Soil change: –
Plant soil should be changed every 2-3 years. When you move the plant to a new tub, you need to get a bigger tub. The ideal time to change the soil is at the end of winter.
Pests and diseases: –
This plant is not attacked by spiders, but every 7 to 10 days neem oil mixed with water should be sprayed in the evening. If the insect spider infestation is high, it should be controlled by chemical means.
Seedling preparation method: –
1. Cutting:
In early summer, take a 2-3-inch-long stem of the plant. Cutting should be done below two leaves. Dip the stem cut in root hormone for 20 to 25 minutes; place the stem in a polythene bag or tub containing a mixture of coco-peat and soil.
2. Seeds:
Soak the flower seeds overnight. Plant the seeds in tubs of well-drained soil mixed with organic matter. When new seedlings form from the seeds, transfer them to the original pot.