How Desert Rose Care In Florida – Floristnear

According to the University of Florida, adenium is native to the Sahara, Sudan, and Senegal desert regions of southeastern Africa. U.S. According to the Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness, 10 to 12 species of desert rose are hardy. Desert rose is an exotic flower, that found in arid regions of Africa, including Arabia.

From this post today you can know about Desert Rose Care In Florida. Adenium scientific name is Adenium obesum. English name -Desert rose , it is a slow-growing, perennial succulent, shrub-like, deciduous, deep-green leaf-bearing plant of the Apocynaceae family. It is called Desert Rose in European countries. There are many varieties of Adenium flower, also known as Desert Rose. This plant can survive in tubs or in the ground without water for long periods of time. If left in a certain tub for ten to twenty years, it naturally turns into a bonsai tree.

How Desert Rose Care In Florida

Desert Rose Care In Florida is very easy compared to other plants. Being a desert tree, it does not require much care. This plant is very hardy and can survive without water for many days.

They can store water and food in swollen stems for long days. Some species of plants contain toxic glycosides, so the gum and leaves should not be applied to the body. This tree blooms after winter i.e. from March to November. But when winter comes, its dormancy period starts. Then the tree no longer blooms. Care for desert roses in Florida should begin again in late winter. However, the main problem of desert rose is root rot, to get rid of it, the plants should be kept under shade during monsoons and fungicides should be used regularly. There are many varieties and species of this flower.

How Desert Rose Care In Florida
How Desert Rose Care In Florida

Florida is a coastal state in the southeastern United States, where the temperature is always warm, which is favorable for Adenium cultivation. Among the different species of Adenium in Florida are Obesum, Arabicum, MKMK, KHZ, KC, Tang Tong. Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) grows beautifully in the tropical and subtropical climates of Florida. The trumpet-shaped flowers are pink, yellow, red and white in color. Desert roses can grow up to 6 feet tall in areas in southern Florida, while plants reach 10 to 12 feet in height and 6 feet in width in the Sahara Desert of southeastern Africa. Container-grown specimens should be repotted regularly to achieve their desired size.

Suitable place selection :-

Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) plants in Florida need a minimum of six to eight hours of full sunlight per day. Adenium likes full sun and what it doesn’t like at all is winter or cold. So plants should be kept under open sky. Desert Rose drought-tolerant but grow best in moist, fertile well-drained soil. Seedlings should not be planted close to trees to avoid root rot.

Pot Selection:-

Adenium plants in Florida do not require large containers. smaller pot better then large pot, so you can’t give a small pot at all, otherwise the pot will topple over. For adenium plants, choose a medium soil tub with holes, then the water will drain easily and not get stuck.

Soil preparation:-

Adenium means desert rose, so its soil and fertilizer should be adjusted according to the desert environment. A soil that does not stand waterlogging, is fairly aerated and needs light water retention. But Adenium flower cultivation is best in sandy loam or sandy soil. Cultivation of Adenium flowers in this type of soil gives good yield. The soil should be prepared by mixing sand, compost and stones well with the soil.


Temperatures around 92 °F (35 °C) are ideal for desert roses. Desert roses grow in the tropical and subtropical climates of Florida. Winter temperatures in North Florida drop sharply, occasionally hitting with snow, at which point tub-level plants should be brought indoors. On the other hand, tropical easterly winds across southern-Florida keep temperatures warm in the winter. If it is too cold, the plants should be placed in a row and covered with a large plastic. It should be kept in such a way that fog does not fall at all and Konkan does not get cold. It is possible to install high wattage bulbs in this area at night but it will be very good for the plants. During the winter season desert roses go dormant and stop producing flowers. Keep the plant dry during winter dormancy.

Light :-

Desert roses need bright sunlight, six to eight hours of full sun a day. The plant must be kept in full sunlight before flowering and growing, meaning that the more sunlight it receives, the better it will grow and produce more flowers. When the plant is placed in the shade in Florida, the plants are often attacked by fungi. For this, all plants should be sprayed with fungicides.

Water application:-

Desert roses do not require a lot of water. In Florida, plants should not be watered every four to five days if daytime temperatures drop below 77 °F (25 °C). Water plants after planting in north-south Florida during the summer. Plants in the North Florida region should be watered once every 15 to 20 days during the winter season. Plants should be watered after the soil has completely dried out, overwatering can cause fungal infections and rot. According to the University of Florida, during the active summer growth period, a water-soluble NPK (20:20:20) fertilizer diluted at half strength should be used. Before transplanting the plant into the tub, however, a leak should be kept at the bottom of the tub to drain the water.

Winter and Summer Care:

Adenium plants in Florida does not require special food during winter, as the plant is in a dormancy period during this time. But from the beginning of summer, their food demand is high because at this time, many buds begin to appear on the tree. With proper care and maintenance, this plant produces abundant flowers till the month of October. A small amount of fertilizer should be applied once every one and a half to two months if the plant wants to get full flowers in summer season and monsoon season.


If the Adenium plants in Florida is a little big, NPK 19:19:19:/ 20:20:20: mix 1 spoon of fertilizer in 1 liter of water and give it every 15 days. 1 liter of fertilizer mixed with water for 3 plants. If you don’t get NPK fertilizer, you can give DAP (Di-ammonium Phosphate) fertilizer with liquid fertilizer (shell rotted water). After 15 days of giving DAP, use a teaspoon of potash. Any compost fertilizer can be applied to the soil 15-20 days after application of chemical fertilizers. Remember to use micronutrients even if you use chemical fertilizers.

How Desert Rose Care In Florida - Floristnear
How To Care Desert Rose Plants In Florida

Fertilize desert roses once every six to eight weeks if using organic fertilizers, using a handful of cow dung or vermicomposting and two teaspoons of bone meal, two teaspoons of horn meal and one teaspoon of micronutrients for every 8 to 10 inches of pot. Dig the soil before fertilizing, and water the soil after fertilizing.

Pruning and soil amendment:-

Pruning the stems of desert roses makes the plant more bushy and new stems grow. Therefore, tree branches should be pruned immediately after winter. Because the tree starts to bud from the month of April. If the tub soil needs to be changed, do it while pruning the stems. Some species of plants contain toxic glycosides, which are poisonous.

Tools should be sterilized before pruning, followed by pruning. After trimming is complete, the equipment should be rinsed with clean water and air-dried to sterilize it.

Desert rose stems must be pruned with a thorn fungicide; otherwise thorn fungus may attack.


Adenium seedlings are produced or propagated from cuttings and seeds. The ideal time for making seedlings from cuttings is July to August and February to March. Flowering occurs between one and a half to two years after planting. To make seedlings from seeds, sprinkle some seeds on the soil and cover lightly with soil and leave for 5 to 10 days. The seed tray should first be kept in a cool and dry place and then gradually acclimated to full sunlight.

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