Last updated on September 14th, 2024 at 07:34 pm
Kiwi is a popular fruit, which is full of health benefits. As this tree is not grown in all places, this fruit is not available everywhere. Kiwi fruit can be found in some fruit stores or malls, it is basically made from seed. It is uncultivable in tropical and subtropical regions, requiring mild cool climates. Also, some species such as Actinidia arguta fruits grow in temperate regions.
In this article you will know about Easy to Grow and Care Kiwifruit Plant. Also learn about planting, pruning, pests and diseases and much more about this plant. Kiwi Fruit is a creeping, perennial plant, which is rich in Vitamin C. Its scientific name is Actinidia deliciosa, also known as Actinidia deliciosa. Kiwi is known as a fruit of New Zealand, but it is mostly produced in the southern part of China. Kiwis were introduced to New Zealand from China by missionaries in the early 19th century, and from there spread to Italy, Greece and France. Kiwis were introduced to the outside world in 1906, but commercial cultivation began in 1937. Apart from New Zealand, kiwi fruit is cultivated commercially in Turkey, Iran, Japan, America, South-East Asia.
Easy to Grow and Care Kiwifruit Plant
Two species of trees can be planted for cultivation in gardens. One is for cool regions and one is for temperate regions. Kiwifruit grows best in temperate countries and does not produce well in low temperatures, but some medium-sized kiwis are grown in cooler climates. It is also called Chinese gooseberry fruit. The fruit is cultivated in the north-eastern frigid region of India, where the cool climate is quite favorable for kiwi cultivation.

Types of Kiwifruits: –
There are many varieties of kiwi fruit, some of them are Fuji Kiwi, Golden Kiwi, Baby Kiwi, Arctic Kiwi, Red Kiwi, Silver Vine, Purple Kiwi Fruit, Kiwi Golden and Chinese Gooseberry etc. There are also some Indian varieties such as Hayward, Abbott, Bruno, Allison, Monty etc. It usually takes 2-3 years to bear fruit after planting. Once the yield starts there is no cost.
Selection of site for kiwi planting: –
The ideal place to plant kiwi trees is in high slopes or hilly areas with mild warm and humid climate. An elevated site that does not stand water easily should be selected for the kiwi plant and a site that receives at least 4 to 5 hours of sunlight a day is best for the plant to grow and bear fruit. This fruit tree grows best at an altitude of at least 4,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level. Annual rainfall of 150-200 cm is required from the time the tree grows up to flowering, but storms and snow during the flowering period can seriously damage the tree. Intense sunlight is harmful to this tree, disrupting the fruiting of the tree. A suitable temperature of 28-35 degrees centigrade is required for good yield.
Suitable soil and climate for Kiwifruits: –
A sandy-loamy soil rich in organic matter and well drained is suitable for kiwi cultivation. Suitable soil PH should be 6.5-7.0 .
Land preparation for kiwifruits: –
In the place where you will transplant the kiwi tree, first the soil of that place should be well raked and the soil should be loosened. After that the land should be weeded well. After that, the soil should be prepared by mixing organic fertilizers with the soil, and finally, the holes for planting seedlings should be made.
Planting and Timing for kiwifruits: –
Kiwi trees are planted in rows. Kiwi male and female flowers are on different plants. 1 male plant can successfully pollinate 9 female plants. Late winter to early spring is the ideal time to transplant kiwi trees, that is February to April.

Breeding: –
Propagation by Kiwi seeds is the easiest, a complete video on this is provided. It can also be successfully propagated by cuttings and grafting. Kiwi trees are planted in a tea bar and pergola training system.
To get the most fruits out of a kiwi plant, plant it in a location where it can receive full sun or partial shade year-round. The more sunlight the plant gets, the better its fruit production and you need to aim for at least 8 to 10 hours of light a day.
Irrigation and Fertilizer Management: –
Young trees should be cared for very carefully, like regular watering and application of organic fertilizers to seedlings and regular application of insecticides. If the tree is more than 2 years old, water and insecticide should be applied as needed. That is, every 10-12 days, the plant should be watered. Kiwi plants require a lot of care and irrigation. So, it is important to water the garden regularly. Once the tree begins to bear fruit, there is a high risk of insect infestation.
If the age of the tree is between 1-5 years, then 25 kg dung fertilizer should be given as basal dose. Urea 500g, TSP/DAP 350g and MOP 500g should be applied per plant. After 5 years of tree age, urea 900 grams TSP/ DAP 600 grams and MOP 900 grams should be applied per tree. Fertilizer should be applied at a distance of one-to-one foot from the base of the plant.
Kiwi Weed Control: –
Weed control and mulching should be done regularly to get healthy plants and good yields. If there are excessive weeds, herbicides should be used if necessary.
Pruning Kiwi Plants: –
Branches should be pruned once a year for adequate plant growth and a high yield. Kiwi requires pruning to become a climbing plant, good branch selection the most challenging task. With the help of a sharp knife, the vines should be cut short, when the plant comes out of winter dormancy, it can be pruned 2-3 times during the summer season. You can prune branches by leaving any branches that have fruited from last season.
Pests and diseases: –
Kiwi trees are susceptible to several insect infestations, such as leaf roller caterpillars, root node nematodes, box elder bugs, etc. Also seen are Armillaria root rot, bacterial blight, crown rot, crown round, canker etc. The mentioned diseases and pests can be controlled by regular application of fungicides and insecticides.
Kiwi tree yield: –
The yield of garden depends on the climate and care. With proper care each vine can yield an average of 50-100 kg.