The Ultimate Guide to Bougainvillea Plant Care: Tips &Tricks

Bougainvillea is very easy to care for and maintain compared to other plants. It is a favorite plant among gardeners for its vibrant flower colors and easy care. Bougainvillea is often seen in gardens and landscapes around the world to enhance the beauty of the garden or home.

Bougainvillea is a tropical shrub-like, perennial plant with about 18 species. Bougainvillea can be shrub or vine-shaped, and the plant can reach a maximum height of two meters (5 to 11 feet). It is very popular as an ornamental plant in most areas with warm climates. There are several types of bougainvillea that have produced beautiful cultivars, often grown indoors and in conservatories. There are various bi-colored flowers including pink, yellow, orange, red, and white. Again two different colored flowers can be seen on the same plant.

The Ultimate Guide to Bougainvillea Plant Care

Bougainvillea Overview:

Bougainvillea is named after the French discoverer Louis Ottoin de Bougainvillea. A common tree in the Caribbean Islands, Central America, Mexico, South Africa, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and the southern part of the United States. Its scientific name is Bougainvillea spectabilis and belongs to Nyctaginaceae family. In this article, we will provide all the necessary information about Bougainvillea plant care to help you maintain a healthy and vibrant plant.

Bougainvillea flowers from the beginning of winter until the beginning of the monsoon, but more flowers are seen in summer, so the right place and soil should be selected before planting. Choose a location that receives sunlight throughout the day. The more sun, the more flowers. This plant likes sunlight; the plant should be transplanted on the roof of the house or under the open sky. If you want to plant plants on the balcony, choose a place that gets at least four to six hours of sunlight a da

How to Plant Bougainvillea:

Bougainvillea plants prefer well-drained soil and full sun exposure to grow. They can be planted in containers or directly into the ground, but it is important to ensure that the soil is not too wet. Wet soil can cause root rot, which can be fatal to the plant.

When planting Bougainvillea, it is essential to dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball. This allows the roots to spread and grow properly. It is also important to add natural fertilizers, such as compost or peat moss, to the soil to provide essential nutrients to plants.

Pot selection:

When transplanting plants into pots, the appropriate size tub should be selected. Small plants should be planted in 8″ pots, but after a year and a half to two years, they should be changed to 12″ or larger pots. It is very important to check the drainage system before planting seedlings in pots to avoid waterlogging at the base of garden plants. So if there is no hole under the pot, one or more hole should be made and the soil should be made in such a way that water does not stand on the ground.

Bougainvillea Plant Care

Soil Preparation:

There are some soil preparation rules to follow when planting plants in tubs. Sandy loam soil is ideal for bougainvillea; for this you need two parts sandy loam soil, one part cow dung or leaf compost or vermicompost. And a handful of bone meal, a handful of crushed horn meal, one spoon of neem cake, one spoon of Abdagold (a single pot) mixed with little water and covered with polythene sheet for fifteen days. After 15 days, it should be removed from the polythene and dried well and used.

Replacement Procedure:

A good drainage system is very important for any plant in the tub. If the tub has three holes, it is a very good pot. The hole should be closed first with a piece of sandpaper, and then some small stones should be placed on it.

Then slowly put a small amount of soil in the tub and press it down a little with your hands, this time place the bougainvillea seedling in the middle and make sure that the soil is 2″ inches from the top of the tub so that it is convenient for you to water and fertilize.


Proper watering is essential for bougainvillea plant care. The plant should be watered deeply once a week, but the soil should be allowed to dry out between watering. Too much water can cause the roots to rot, while a submerged plant can dry out and die.

In hot weather, bougainvillea may need more frequent watering, so it’s important to monitor the soil and adjust watering accordingly. It is also important to avoid getting water on the leaves, as this can cause fungal diseases.

Lighting Requirements:

Bougainvillea should be placed in a location that receives sunlight throughout the day. The more sun, the more flowers. Plants do not flower as expected unless they receive at least 8 to 10 hours of sunlight a day. Also, garden plants suffer when temperatures drop below zero degrees, so plants should be brought indoors when temperatures are too low.


An essential aspect of plant care is fertilizer. Fertilizing once a month is essential if you want your garden bougainvillea plants to have lots of flowers. In terms of fertilizer application, organic manure or dry dung can be soaked in water and applied in liquid form. But after removing all the leaves from the tree, two handfuls of dung or leaf compost or vermicompost should be added to each pot. One handful of bone meal, one handful of horn shavings, one spoon of neem shell, one spoon of Abdagold and one spoon of almond shell should be mixed together and given at the base of the plant. This recipe should be given once every 45 days.

Do not apply mustard powder during extreme heat, mustard cake can be used when the heat subsides, but only after the plant has flowered. Water every two or three days when you see buds on each branch of the plant. You will find that within 7 to 10 days all the leaves on the plant have started to fall off, a process called defoliation. When the buds start coming, the plant should be watered regularly. This process must be done very carefully, there are risks. You can skip this process if you want. Only water should be given to the plant during flowering, no fertilizer can be used.

Moments before winter comes, you need to start taking care of the plants in a new way, reduce the watering of the plants, mix dry neem peel powder and phosphate, and add a small amount in the tub of the plants or around the soil. Bougainvillea plants need a high application of potassium fertilizer, such as N.P.K. 6-8-10 or 8-10-10 fertilizer, to produce the stunning color they are known for.


Pruning is an essential aspect of bougainvillea plant care. Pruning helps keep the plant in shape and promotes healthy growth. It is important to prune the plant after flowering.

The best time to prune bougainvillea is in early spring or early summer, before new growth begins. It is important to wear gloves when pruning, as the thorns can be quite sharp.

Pests and Diseases:

Bougainvillea plants are generally healthy and not prone to pests and diseases. However, they can be susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs. Inspect the plant regularly for signs of infestation and use neem oil if any pests are found, or consider purchasing a chemical insecticide if you want a more drastic solution.

Like many other plants, bougainvillea can be susceptible to common diseases such as root rot, leaf spots and nutrient deficiencies. To avoid this, make sure your bougainvillea is well drained. Bougainvillea plants can be susceptible to fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew and leaf spot, during the monsoon season. To prevent these diseases it is important to keep the leaves dry, provide proper ventilation for the plant and use insecticides.

When to Plant Bougainvillea

The best time to plant bougainvillea is spring and autumn, seedlings should be planted after the last frost of winter. Bougainvillea prefers warm temperatures and cannot tolerate frost or freezing temperatures. Planting in the spring will give the plant time to establish roots and grow before the cold temperatures of winter arrive. Choosing a site with well-drained soil and full sun exposure is also important for good growth and flowering.

FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]

Where does bougainvillea grow best?

Bougainvillea should be planted in sloping ground, where water does not accumulate. Bougainvillea are bushy, creeping in nature so they will grow well if given enough room to spread and should be planted in a location that receives a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day.

Is it possible to grow bougainvillea on the terrace or balcony?

Yes it is possible, for growing bougainvillea plant, choose a deep pot, the height should be at least 30 cm and more. Plant bougainvillea seedlings by adding enough organic fertilizer to the soil for plant growth. Place the plant in a south-facing window for abundant blooms throughout the season.

Are bougainvillea plants infested by spider mites?

Bougainvillea is generally less affected by spider mites, but during the rainy season the leaves and agar shears are affected by the fungus.

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